domingo, 29 de agosto de 2010

Son Volt

Steve Huey biografou a banda para o site allmusic, em texto que segue, vertido livremente do inglês.
Depois da turnê de divulgação da sua obra-prima de 1993, "Anodyne", a seminal banda de alternative country Uncle Tupelo partiu-se em dois, devido às diferenças criativas entre os co-líderes Jay Farrar e Jeff Tweedy. Tweedy recrutou boa parte da banda para formar a Wilco, enquanto Farrar se uniu com o baterista original da Tupelo, Mike Heidorn, para formar a Son Volt, mais ciosa em cultuar a tradição da Tupelo. Completada pelos irmãos Jim (baixo) e Dave Boquist (guitarra, banjo, violino, violão de aço), a banda assinou com a Warner Bros e lançou seu álbum de estréia, “Trace”, em 1995. O disco foi recebido com ótimas resenhas pela maioria dos críticos musicais, oferecendo um conjunto de canções fortes, sutis, principalmente músicas country tradicionais relaxantes, folk e rock de raiz. O single “Drown” foi bem sucedido nas rádios universitárias e roqueiras, e posteriormente a banda recrutou o seu quinto membro não oficial, Eric Heywood (bandolim, pedal steel), para o seu segundo disco, “Straightaways”, de 1997.
Enquanto “Straightaways” trilhou caminho semelhante a “Trace” e novamente recebeu críticas positivas, alguns encontraram uma regressão criativa por parte de Farrar, e, apesar de “Wide Swing Tremolo”, de 1998, ter sido um trabalho mais no estilo hard rock, a falta de apoio crítico para o grupo continuou. A banda acabou fazendo uma parada não oficial (boatos de sua separação foram negados), e Farrar estreou como artista solo em 2001 com “Sebastopol”, colocando mais dúvida sobre o futuro da Son Volt. Farrar continuou com sua carreira solo em 2002 e 2003, e, em 2005, a Rhino lançou uma coletânea da Son Volt, chamada “Retrospective: 1995-2000”. Mas a banda não havia terminado. Farrar reavivou-a em julho de 2005, com a emissão de “Okemah And The Melody Of Riot” (Legacy). Para o álbum, gravado em St. Louis, Farrar foi acompanhado pelo baterista Dave Bryson, o baixista Andrew DuPlantis e o ex-guitarrista da Backsliders, Brad Rice. “The Search” chegou no início de 2007, seguido por “American Central Dust”, em 2009.
Maiores informações sobre a banda podem ser encontradas no seu site.

As fichas dos discos foram retiradas dos sites allmusic e Discogs.

Discos, por ordem de lançamento:

(1995) Trace

1. Windfall (2:58)
2. Live Free (3:14)
3. Tear Stained Eye (4:21)
4. Route (3:57)
5. Ten Second News (3:57)
6. Drown (3:20)
7. Loose String (3:48)
8. Out Of The Picture (3:50)
9. Catching On (4:02)
10. Too Early (4:29)
11. Mystifies Me (4:12)
(Todas as músicas foram compostas por Farrar, exceto “Mystifies Me”, de autoria de Ron Wood)

Jay Farrar: Vocals, Guitar
Mike Heidorn: Drums
Dave Boquist: Guitar, Banjo, Fiddle, Guitar [Lap Steel], Acoustic Guitar [Dobro]
Jim Boquist: Bass, Backing Vocals
Eric Heywood: Guitar [Pedal Steel]
Craig Krampf: Drums (track 2)
Dan Newton: Accordion (track 10)
Marc Perlman: Bass (track 11)

(1997) Straightaways

1. Caryatid Easy (4:43)
2. Back Into Your World (3:45)
3. Picking Up The Signal (3:45)
4. Left A Slide (5:10)
5. Creosote (4:12)
6. Cemetery Savior (3:12)
7. Last Minute Shakedown (4:03)
8. Been Set Free (4:33)
9. No More Parades (3:19)
10. Way Down Watson (3:42)
(Todas as músicas foram compostas por Jay Farrar, exceto “Been Set Free”, de autoria de Jay Farrar e M. Farrar)

Jay Farrar: Vocals, Guitar, Organ, Harmonica
Mike Heidorn: Drums
Dave Boquist: Guitar, Fiddle, Banjo, Guitar [Lap Steel]
Jim Boquist: Bass, Backing Vocals
Eric Heywood: Guitar [Pedal Steel], Mandolin
Pauli Ryan: Tambourine

(1998) Wide Swing Tremolo

1. Straightface (3:05)
2. Driving The View (2:59)
3. Jodel (0:40)
4. Medicine Hat (4:13)
5. Strands (5:05)
6. Flow (2:18)
7. Dead Man’s Clothes (2:47)
8. Right On Through (3:08)
9. Chanty (1:28)
10. Carry You Down (3:27)
11. Question (4:00)
12. Streets That Time Walks (5:23)
13. Hanging Blue Side (3:42)
14. Blind Hope (3:17)
(Todas as músicas foram compostas por Farrar)

Jay Farrar: Vocals, Guitar, Dulcimer, Harmonica, Piano, Electric Piano, Keyboards [Chamberlain]
Mike Heidorn: Drums, Percussion
Dave Boquist: Guitar, Guitar [Lap Steel], Fiddle, Viola
Jim Boquist: Bass, Backing Vocals, Guitar [Slide] (track 4), Piano (track 7)
Eric Heywood: Guitar [Pedal Steel] (tracks 13, 14)
Dave Barbe: Rattle [Kenyan] (track 13)

(2005) A Retrospective: 1995-2000

1. Drown (Farrar) 3:21
2. Windfall (Farrar) 2:59
3. Route (Farrar) 3:59
4. Rex’ Blues [Performed by Jay Farrar & Kelly Willis] (Van Zandt) 4:39
5. Looking At The World Through A Windshield (Chestnut, Hoyer) 3:08
6. Too Early (Farrar) 4:21
7. Back Into Your World (Farrar) 3:45
8. Picking Up The Signal (Farrar) 3:46
9. I’ve Got To Know (Guthrie) 4:43
10. Creosote (Farrar) 4:12
11. Straightface (Farrar) 3:04
12. Tulsa County (Polland) 2:53
13. Driving The View (Farrar) 3:00
14. Ain’t No More Cane (Ledbetter) 4:51
15. Flow (Farrar) 2:21
16. Holocaust (Chilton) 5:29
17. Tear Stained Eye [Four Track Demo] 3:28
18. Loose String [Four Track Demo] 3:48
19. Medicine Hat [Live - Acoustic Cafe] 4:18
20. Open All Night (Springsteen) 3:46
(Convém esclarecer que não se trata de uma simples coletânea de músicas dos discos anteriores da banda, já que há várias canções inéditas)

Jay Farrar: Vocals, Guitar, Dulcimer, Harmonica, Keyboards
Mike Heidorn: Percussion, Drums
Dave Boquist: Guitar, Banjo, Dobro, Violin, Lap Steel Guitar
Jim Boquist: Bass, Piano, Backing Vocals
Eric Heywood: Pedal Steel
John Maloney: Drums
Dan Newton: Accordion
Kelly Willis: Vocals

(2005) Okemah And The Melody Of Riot

1. Bandages & Scars (3:23)
2. Afterglow 61 (2:48)
3. Jet Pilot (3:12)
4. Atmosphere ( 3:50)
5. Ipecac (3:29)
6. Who (4:02)
7. Endless War (4:25)
8. Medication (5:00)
9. 6 String Belief (3:16)
10. Gramophone (3:09)
11. Chaos Streams (3:52)
12. World Waits For You (4:08)
13. World Waits For You [Reprise] (1:56)
(Todas as músicas foram compostas por Farrar)

Jay Farrar: Vocal, Guitar, Piano, Harmonica
Dave Bryson: Drums
Brad Rice: Guitar
Andrew Duplantis: Bass, Backing Vocals
Mark Spencer: Backing Vocals (track 6), Steel Guitar [Slide] (track 8), Dulcimer [Slide] (track 8), Organ (track 10)
John Horton: Steel Guitar [Electric Slide] (track 12)
Eric Heywood: Steel Guitar [Pedal] (track 12)

(O disco não tem capa; a imagem acima serve apenas para ilustrar a postagem)
(2005) Live At 9:30 Club [Washington, DC] (Bootleg)

1. Who (3:58)
2. Bandages And Scars (3:35)
3. 6 String Belief (3:12)
4. Atmosphere (4:08)
5. Gramophone (3:21)
6. Medicine Hat (4:02)
7. Back Into Your World (3:54)
8. Joe Citizen Blues (4:34)
9. Damn Shame (2:56)
10. Feel Free (3:17)
11. Barstow (3:44)
12. Loose String (3:55)
13. Chaos Streams (3:51)
14. Live Free (3:24)
15. Picking Up The Signal (3:51)
16. Jet Pilot (3:05)
17. Endless War (4:36)
18. Route (3:54)
19. Caryatid Easy (4:52)
20. World Waits (6:13)
21. Tear Stained Eye (4:41)
22. Driving The View (3:11)
23. Medication (7:02)
24. Drown (3:33)
25. Afterglow 61 (2:48)
26. Windfall (3:17)
27. Armagideon Time (4:56)
28. Chickamauga (6:02)
(Todas as músicas foram compostas por Farrar, exceto “Armagideon Time”, de autoria de Jackie Mittoo e Willy Williams)

Jay Farrar: Vocals, Guitar
Dave Bryson: Drums, Percussion
Chris Frame: Guitar
Andrew Duplantis: Bass, Backing Vocals
Derry De Borja: Keyboards

(2007) The Search

1. Slow Hearse (2:32)
2. The Picture (3:27)
3. Action (2:48)
4. Underground Dream (4:32)
5. Circadian Rhythm (5:02)
6. Beacon Soul (2:31)
7. The Search (2:59)
8. Adrenaline And Heresy (5:05)
9. Satellite (2:14)
10. Automatic Society (2:26)
11. Methamphetamine (4:02)
12. L Train (2:58)
13. Highways And Cigarettes (3:54)
14. Phosphate Skin (3:52)
(Todas as músicas foram compostas por Farrar)

Jay Farrar: Vocals, Guitar, Piano, Bouzouki [Electric]
Dave Bryson: Drums, Percussion
Brad Rice: Guitar [Electric, Baritone, E-bow], Sitar [Electric]
Andrew Duplantis: Bass, Backing Vocals
Derry De Borja: Piano, Organ, Keyboards
Chris Deusinger: Saxophone (track 2)
Keith Moyer: Trumpet (track 2)
Shannon McNally: Acoustic Guitar [Acoustic Nashville Guitar] (track 11), Backing Vocals (track 13)
Eric Heywood: Guitar [Pedal Steel] (tracks 11, 13)

(2009) American Central Dust

1. Dynamite (2:49)
2. Down To The Wire (4:19)
3. Roll On (3:10)
4. Cocaine And Ashes (4:31)
5. Dust Of Daylight (3:07)
6. When The Wheels Don’t Move (3:21)
7. No Turning Back (3:35)
8. Pushed Too Far (4:25)
9. Exiles (4:22)
10. Sultana (3:48)
11. Strength And Doubt (3:35)
12. Jukebox Of Steel (2:56)
(Todas as músicas foram compostas por Farrar)

Jay Farrar: Vocals, Acoustic Guitar, Piano, Steel Guitar [Acoustic Lap]
Dave Bryson: Drums, Percussion
Chris Masterson: Guitar [Electric], Steel Guitar [Lap], Acoustic Guitar, Backing Vocals
Andrew Duplantis: Bass, Backing Vocals
Mark Spencer: Keyboards, Steel Guitar [Pedal, Lap, Acoustic Lap], Backing Vocals
Eleanor Whitmore: Violin, Viola

sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010

Joan Jett by Amanda [repost]

A Amanda, numa atitude de extremo zêlo, vendo que os links deste post haviam expirado, refez os uploads.

Obrigado, Amanda

Postado originalmente em 21/10/09

Este é um post diferente. O link para os álbuns foi cedido por Amanda Zeppelin, com a seguinte mensagem:

"Olá! Sou frequentadora do blog e por esses tempos peguei álbuns da carreira da Joan Jett na fase das Runaways e também depois que ela começou o Blackhearts. Como notei uma certa dificuldade de encontrar tais álbuns e reparei que poucos blogs tinham a discografia dela completa, resolvi fazer upload e divulgar na comunidade dela e achei coerente espalhar esses links pra blogs que trabalham com a divulgação do rock."

Então, está combinado, Amanda: o post da Joan Jett está publicado.
Muito obrigado por compartilhar esta discografia.

The Runaways:

1976 - The Runaways
1. Cherry Bomb
2. You Drive Me Wild
3. Is It Day Or Night?
4. Thunder
5. Rock n’ Roll
6. Lovers
7. American Nights
8. Blackmail
9. Secrets
10. Dead End Justice

1977 - Queens Of Noise
1. Queens Of Noise
2. Take It Or Leave It
3. Midnight Music
4. Born To Be Bad
5. Neon Angels On The Road To Ruin
6. I Love Playin’ With Fire
7. California Paradise
8. Hollywood
9. Heartbeat
10. Johnny Guitar

1977 - Live In Japan
1. Queens Of Noise
2. California Paradise
3. All Right You Guys
4. Wild Thing
5. Gettin’ Hot
6. Rock And Roll
7. You Drive Me Wild
8. Neon Angels On The Road Ro Ruin
9. I Wanna Be Where The Boys Are
10. Cherry Bomb
11. American Nights
12. C’mon

1977 - Waitin' For The Night
1. Little Sister
2. Wasted
3. Gotta Get out Tonight
4. Wait For Me
5. Fantasies
6. School Days
7. Trash Can Murders
8. Don’t Go Away
9. Waitin’ For The Night
10. You’re Too Possessive

1978 - And Now... The Runaways
1. Saturday Night Special
2. Eight Days A Week
3. Mama Weer All Crazee Now
4. I’m A Million
5. Right Now
6. Takeover
7. My Buddy And Me
8. Little Lost Girls
9. Black Leather

1980 - Flaming Schoolgirls
1. Intro
2. Strawberry Fields
3. C’mon
4. Hollywood Cruisin’
5. Blackmail
6. Is It Day or Night?
7. Here Comes the Sun
8. Hollywood Dream
9. Don’t Abuse Me
10. I Love Playin’ With Fire
11. Secrets

1982 - The Best Of The Runaways
1. Cherry Bomb
2. Blackmail
3. I Love Playin’ With Fire
4. Born To Be Bad
5. Take It Or Leave It
6. Queens Of Noise (Live)
7. You Drive Me Wild (Live)
8. School Days
9. Wait For Me
10. Wassted
11. Don’t Go Away
12. Waitin’ For The Night
13. C’mon

1993 - Born To Be Bad
1. Yesterday’s Kids
2. Is It Day or Night?
3. Let’s Party Tonight
4. All Right Now
5. Thunder
6. Rock & Roll
7. American Nights
8. California Paradise
9. I’m a Star
10. You Drive Me Wild
11. Born to Be Bad
12. Wild Thing

2010 - The Runaways (Movie Soundtrack)
01. Roxy Roller (Nick Gilder)
02. The Wild One (Suzi Quatro)
03. It’s a Man’s Man’s Man’s World (MC5)
04. Rebel Rebel (David Bowie)
05. Cherry Bomb (Dakota Fanning)
06. Hollywood (The Runaways)
07. California Paradise (Dakota Fanning)
08. You Drive Me Wild (The Runaways)
09. Queens of Noise (Dakota Fanning & Kristen Stewart)
10. Dead End Justice (Dakota Fanning & Kristen Stewart)
11. I Wanna Be Your Dog (The Stooges)
12. I Wanna Be Where The Boys Are [Live] (The Runaways)
13. Pretty Vacant (Sex Pistols)
14. Don’t Abuse Me (Joan Jett)

1976: The Runaways
1977: Queens of Noise
1977: Live in Japan
1977: Waitin' for the Night
1978: And Now... The Runaways
1980: Flaming Schoolgirls
1982: The Best Of The Runaways
1993: Born to be Bad
2010: The Runaways (Movie Soundtrack)

Joan Jett & The Blackhearts:

1981 - Bad Reputation
1. Bad Reputation
2. Make Believe
3. You Don’t Know What You’ve Got
4. You Don’t Own Me
5. Too Bad On Your Birthday
6. Do You Wanna Touch Me (Oh Yeah)
7. Let Me Go
8. Doing Alright With The Boys
9. Shout
10. Jezebel
11. Don’t Abuse Me
12. Wooly Bully
13. Call Me Lightning
14. Hanky Panky
15. Summertimes Blues
16. What Can I Do For You

1981 - I Love Rock 'N' Roll
1. I Love Rock N’ Roll
2. (I’m Gonna) Run Away
3. Love is Pain
4. Nag
5. Crimson and Clover
6. Victim of Circumstance
7. Bits and Pieces
8. Be Straight
9. You’re Too Possessive
10. Little Drummer Boy
11. Oh Woe Is Me
12. Louie Louie
13. You Don't Know What You Got (Live)
14. Summertime Blues
15. Nag (With The Coasters)

1983 - Joan Jett & The Blackhearts (Álbum)
1. Fake Friends
2. Handyman
3. Everyday People
4. A Hundred Feet Away
5. Secret Place
6. Star Star
7. The French Song
8. Tossin’ And Turnin’
9. Why Can’t We Be Happy
10. I Love Playin’ With Fire
11. Coney Island Whitefish
12. Had Enough
13. Nitetime
14. Everyday People [Dance Mix]
15. Wait For Me

1984 - Glorious Results Of a Misspent Youth
1. Cherry Bomb
2. I Love You Love Me Love
3. Frustrated
4. Hold Me
5. Long Time
6. Talkin’ Bout My Baby
7. I Need Someone
8. Love Like Mine
9. New Orleans
10. Someday
11. Push and Stomp
12. I Got No Answers
13. Hide And Seek
14. I Can’t Control Myself
15. Bird Dog
16. Talking Bout My Baby (Live)

1986 - Good Music
1. Good Music
2. This Means War
3. Roadrunner
4. If Ya Want My Luv
5. Fun, Fun, Fun
6. Black Leather
7. Outlaw
8. Just Lust
9. You Got Me Floatin’
10. Contact

1988 - Up Your Alley
1. I Hate Myself For Loving You
2. Ridin’ With James Dean
3. Little Liar
4. Tulane
5. I Wanna Be Your Dog
6. I Still Dream About You
7. You Want In, I Want Out
8. Just Like In The Movies
9. Desire
10. Back It Up
11. Play That Song Again

1990 - The Hit List
1. Dirty Deeds – (AC/DC, 1976)
2. Love Hurts – (The Everly Brothers, 1960)
3. Pretty Vacant – (Sex Pistols, 1977)
4. Celluloid Heroes – (The Kinks, 1972)
5. Tush – (ZZ Top, 1975)
6. Time Has Come Today – (The Chambers Brothers, 1968)
7. Up From the Skies – (The Jimi Hendrix Experience, 1967)
8. Have You Ever Seen the Rain? – (Creedence Clearwater Revival, 1970)
9. Love Me Two Times – (The Doors, 1967)
10. Roadrunner USA -(1990 version) (The Modern Lovers, 1972)
11. Dirty Deeds (Extended Version)
12. Let It Bleed - (Rolling Stones, 1969)
13. Love Stinks - (The J. Geils Band, 1980)

1991 - Notorious
1. Backlash
2. Ashes In The Wind
3. The Only Good Thing (You Ever Said Was Goodbye)
4. Lie To Me
5. Don’t Surrender
6. Goodbye
7. Machismo
8. Treadin’ Water
9. I Want You
10. Wait For Me
11. Misunderstood

1994 - Pure And Simple
1. Go Home
2. Eye To Eye
3. Spinster
4. Torture
5. Rubber & Glue
6. As I Am
7. Activity Grrrl
8. Insecure
9. Wonderin’
10. Consumed
11. You Got A Problem
12. Brighter Day

1995 - Evil Stig
1. Sign Of The Crab
2. Bob (Cousin O.)
3. Drinking Song
4. Spear And Magic Helmet
5. Last To Know
6. Guilt Within Your Head
7. Whirlwind
8. Another Shot of Whiskey
9. Second Skin
10. Activity Grrrl
11. You Got a Problem
12. Crimson & Clover
13. Drunks

1996 - Great Hits
1.Bad Reputation
2.Crimson & Clover
3.Light of Day
4.Everyday People
5.I Hate Myself for Loving You
7.Cherry Bomb (Live with L7)
8.Love Is Pain
9.Fake Friends
10.Roadrunner USA
11.Victim Of Circumstance
12.Have You Ever Seen The Rain?
14.The French Song
15.I Love Rock 'N Roll
16.Make Believe
17.Do You Wanna Touch Me (Oh Yeah)
18.I Need Someone
19.Don't Surrender
20.You Don't Know What You've Got
21.Time Has Come Today
22.Little Liar
23.Love Is All Around

1997 - Fit To Be Tied
1. Bad Reputation
2. Light of Day
3. Do You Wanna Touch Me? (Oh Yeah!)
4. Roadrunner (Previously Unreleased Version)
5. I Love Rock N Roll
6. Victim of Circumstance
7. Everyday People
8. I Hate Myself for Loving You (Alternate Version)
9. Crimson and Clover
10. Fake Friends
11. Make Believe
12. Cherry Bomb
13. Little Liar (Live)
14. World of Denial
15. Love Is All Around

1998 - Flashback
1. Real Wild Child (Wild One)
2. Hide And Seek
3. Indian Giver
4. I Hate Long Goodbyes
5. Cherry Bomb (Feat. L7)
6. Fantasy
7. Light of Day
8. Gotcha
9. She Lost You
10. MCA (EMI)
11. Rebel, Rebel
12. Be My Lover
13. Bring It On Home
14. Play With Me
15. Activity Grrrl
16. Heartbeat
17. Bad Reputation (Live)
18. Black Leather
19. I Love Rock 'N Roll (1979 version)
20. Right 'Til the End

1999 - Fetish
1. Fetish
2. Handyman
3. The French Song
4. Baby Blue
5. Star Star (Cover: The Rolling Stones)
6. Love Is Pain
7. Secret Love
8. Cherry Bomb
9. Hanky Panky (Cover: Tommy James & The Shondells)
10. Coney Island Whitefish
11. Wooly Bully (Cover: Sam The Sham & The Pharaohs)
12. Do You Wanna Touch Me? (Live Cover: Gary Glitter)
13. Black Leather (Live)
14. Fetish (XXX)

2004 - Naked
1. Naked
2. Bad Time
3. Fetish
4. Androgynous
5. Science Fiction/Double Feature
6. Right In The Middle
7. Turn It Around
8. Everyone Knows
9. Baby Blue
10. Kiss On The Lips
11. Water Sign
12. Tube Talkin
13. Season Of The Witch
14. Bad Time
15. Can’t Live Without You
16. Five

2006 - Sinner
1. Riddles
2. A.C.D.C. Cover: Sweet Cover
3. Five
4. Naked
5. Everybody Knows
6. Change The World
7. Androgynous Cover: The Replacements
8. Fetish
9. Watersign
10. Tube Talkin’
11. Turn It Around
12. Baby Blue
13. A 100 Feet Away
14. Bad Time

2010 - Greatest Hits
(Disco 1)
01. Cherry Bomb
02. You Drive Me Wild
03. School Days
04. Love Is Pain
05. Bad Reputation
06. You Don't Know What You've Got
07. I Want You
08. I Love Rock N' Roll
09. (I'm Gonna) Run Away
10. Crimson and Clover
(Disco 2)
01. Do You Wanna Touch Me (Oh Yeah)
02. The French Song
03. Everyday People
04. Fake Friends
05. Light Of Day
06. I Hate Myself For Loving You
07. Backlash
08. Activity Grrrl
09. Love Is All Around
10. Androgynous
11. A.C.D.C.

1981: Bad Reputation
1981: I Love Rock 'N' Roll
1983: Joan Jett & The Blakhearts (Album)
1984: Glorious Results of a Misspent Youth
1986: Good Music
1988: Up Your Alley
1990: The Hit List
1991: Notorious
1994: Pure and Simple
1995: Evil Stig
1996: Great Hits
1997: Fit To Be Tied
1998: Flashback
1999: Fetish
2004: Naked
2006: Sinner
2010: Greatest Hits

Para mais informações sobre a Joan Jett e sua discografia, clique aqui.

domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010

American Dog

American Dog é um grupo americano de Hard Rock/Southern Rock formado em 1999 em Columbus, Ohio.

Formado por Michael Hannon (baixo e vocal), Steve Theado (guitarra) e Keith Pickens (bateria), o American Dog sempre foi fiel a um tipo de Hard Rock direto, mas ainda assim razoavelmente variado, com influências que vão do "bluesy" do AC/DC, a energia do Van Halen, do "southern" do Lynyrd Skynyrd. O grande trunfo da banda está no peso das guitarras, nos vocais rasgados, e na produção que nos faz imaginar o grupo tocando ao vivo em nossa frente.

Michael Hannon - vocals, electric bass
Steve Theado - guitars, vocals
Keith Pickens - drums

(2000) Last of a Dying Breed

01 - Barley Half Alive 02:51
02 - Drinkin' About You 02:59
03 - Tv Disease 06:56
04 - Under The Blade 06:07
05 - Be A Man 02:11
06 - Drank Too Much 03:41
07 - Dog's Life 04:38
08 - Last Of A Dying Breed 04:08
09 - Straight Jacket, Dwight Fry 04:02
10 - She Had It Comin' (Live) 06:09

[RS] [92Mb @320kbps]

(2002) Red, White, Black & Blue

01 - Shitkicker 03:31
02 - Train 03:42
03 - Can't Throw Stones 02:54
04 - Dog Will Hunt 03:38
05 - Glad It's Over 06:04
06 - Blame It On The Booze 04:09
07 - Motors Down 04:23
08 - Swallow My Pride 02:48
09 - Can't Stop The Rain 06:41
10 - Keep Drinkin' (You're Still Ugly) 05:12
11 - Hear Me Howlin' 01:27
12 - Bullshit! (Goddamnit) 02:36
13 - A New Evil (Bonus) 07:18

[RS] [126Mb @320kbps]

(2005) Scars-n-Bars

01 - Workin' Man 03:32
02 - Faded 03:34
03 - Conviction 03:51
04 - Lucky 13 05:18
05 - Got You By A Chain 03:28
06 - Another Lost Weekend 03:52
07 - She Ain't Real Pretty (But She's All I've Got) 04:33
08 - Burnin' Yesterday 06:14
09 - Sunday Buzz 04:39
10 - Little Girl 03:57
11 - Ten 'til Two 05:58

by ED
[RS] [112Mb @320kbps]

(2005) Foamin' at the Mouth Live

01 - Another Lost Weekend 04:44
02 - Workin' Man 03:29
03 - Shitkicker 03:42
04 - Barely Half Alive 02:23
05 - Blame It On The Booze 04:49
06 - D-N-F 06:54
07 - Got You By A Chain 04:12
08 - Too Damn Sober 08:22
09 - Hear Me Howlin' 04:03
10 - Drank Too Much 05:45
11 - I'll Drink To That 10:19
12 - Bomber 03:30
13 - Last Of A Dying Breed 04:00
14 - Wang Dang Sweet Poontang 05:41

[RS] [166Mb @320kbps]

(2006) If You Want Bud...You've Got It

#CD 1
01 - Barely Half Alive 02:50
02 - Drinkin' About You 02:59
03 - Tv Disease 06:57
04 - Under The Blade 06:07
05 - Be A Man 02:11
06 - Drank Too Much 03:41
07 - Dog's Life 04:37
08 - Last Of A Dying Breed 04:08
09 - Straight Jacket, Dwight Frye 04:01
10 - She Had It Comin' (Live) 06:10
11 - Take Your Whiskey Home 04:19
12 - Peace Dog 03:11

#CD 2
01 - Dog's Life 05:02
02 - Drinkin' About You 04:44
03 - Barely Half Alive 03:25
04 - Be A Man 02:36
05 - Out Of The Sun 04:23
06 - Train Kept Rollin' 03:36
07 - Can't Throw Stones 03:37
08 - Human Garbage Can 04:08
09 - Just An Alcoholic 08:17
10 - Give Me Back My Bullets 03:39
11 - I'm Eighteen 07:58

[2 CDs]
[RS] [169Mb @VBR]

(2007) Hard

01 - Bock 01:29
02 - No Pity 03:00
03 - Sometimes You Eat The Pussy 03:04
04 - Another Day In Paradise 03:27
05 - Hypnotized 02:49
06 - Long Time Comin' 06:24
07 - Beaten, Broken, Etc 03:44
08 - Rock-N-Roll Dog 04:23
09 - Spell On Me 03:34
10 - Little Short 02:00
11 - Bloodsucker 02:37
12 - Magnificent Bastard 05:54

[RS] [57Mb @192kbps]

(2008) Hard on the Road

01 - Bock 02:06
02 - No Pity 02:57
03 - Can't Throw Stones 03:06
04 - Shitkicker 03:54
05 - Barely Half Alive 02:36
06 - Rock'N'Roll Dog 04:24
07 - Another Day In Paradise 03:28
08 - Dog's Life 09:38
09 - Got You By A Chain 03:06
10 - Hypnotized 03:22
11 - Too Damn Sober 09:01
12 - Beaten, Broken Etc 04:08
13 - Drank Too Much 07:39
14 - Sometimes You Eat The Pussy 09:53
15 - Black Night 04:51

[RS] [104Mb @VBR]

(2010) Mean

01 - Just One More 03:19
02 - Cat Has Got You By The Tongue 04:20
03 - Drivin' Down The Sidewalk 03:33
04 - Mean 04:22
05 - Blood, Guts And Beer 03:54
06 - Gonna Stop Drinkin' Tomorrow 03:29
07 - Mine All Mine 03:05
09 - Sunshinemoonshine 03:34
10 - Ain't Dead Yet 03:25
11 - Motherfucker 03:27

[RS] [87Mb @320kbps]


(2001) Six-Pack: Songs About Drinkin' and Fuckin'

01 - D-N-F 05:32
02 - Drinkin' About You 04:07
03 - Too Damn Sober 06:10
04 - Just An Alcoholic 06:19
05 - Drank Too Much 06:54
06 - I'll Drink To That 09:12

[RS] [85Mb @320kbps]

(2009) This Ain't The Summer of Love

01 - This Ain't the Summer of Love 02:42
02 - Mean 04:16
03 - Gof of Thunder 03:05
04 - New Evil 07:18
05 - Movin On 05:28
06 - Bomber 03:09

by Ed
[RS] [40Mb @VBR]